Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fiji on 6M


The 2024 season for me started in March with a fairly regular amount of South American openings, mostly late afternoons. March 15th was the first in the log with LU8EX, but also heard a few others including CX4DA. 

This pattern has persisted through most of April, with many days having openings down to South America. Looking through my notes, this is a lot more activity here than last year. Here is a sample of what late April looked like:

April 28:

Worked PY2CC, PY2SRB (new grid)

Worked 4 different CEs including CE2SV

April 29:

Heard 2-3 CE stations

worked LU5FF

worked YV5NEA

worked HI8DAR

also heard CO8LY, 9Y4D, P43A

April 30:

Worked 10 different Brazilian stations a number of new grids

Worked CX7BBR

May 1:

Worked a couple of LUs and CE

Things started to taper off, but I noticed some locals working stations in the mid-west, so turned the beam to 270 degress.......and then.....

For a brief moment I thought this was a bad decode, but then I immediately recognized Tony's callsign. I immediately hit TX and he responded right away with a +11. I completely the QSO super fast, as I always use skip TX1, and I just sat there, nearly shaking in my shoes. FIJI on 6m!!!

Tony was in and out for about 20-30 minutes before the path shifted west. It was quite an exciting afternoon. 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Falkand Islands Heard on 6M


I had heard that VP8 was coming in on 6m earlier in the week, but I missed the excitement. This Sunday afternoon I did manage to catch them, but it didn't seem like many folks were actually completing with them:

More good signs....

Sunday, March 5, 2023

New Caledonia on 6m Heard

 Sunday afternoon WW1L posted that he was hearing FK8CP, so I swung the antenna around to listen direct. I actually managed to get a single decode!

That's roughly 14,265km or 8,800 miles on 6m! I would have to assume this is F2 or a mix of F2 and some other propagation. 

This is going to be a good year for 6m I tihnk....

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 6M opening


We had a brief EU opening on February 21st. From my location I was hearing some western european stations and some Caribbean stations (Suriname and Dominican Republic). Some of the other guys appear to have worked into the Indian Ocean (Rodriguez?), and I saw a local station calling a 9K2. There was talk that is could have been F2. 

I only ended up with a few EAs and PZ5RA (who I've worked before) in the logbook. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come this season. I had a dreadful DX season last year. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

2022 6M season wrap-up

For me, this season got off to a big start in April with a number of days of TEP into South America, getting me a few new DXCC. The normal Es season, however, seemed to be a bit different than the previous two years. I witnessed a much later start, not seeing my first big domestic opening until the end of May (28th.). There were a number of smaller, fast, openings, but nothing sustained. The first EU opening for me didn't happen until June 1st, and that was just into England a Northern France. Unfortunately for me, the big EU openings all happened while I was away at a conference in Montreal, then again in July when I was busy getting Covid-19 in Nova Scotia. My last regular season contact was on 7/25.

In October we started to hear some TEP again. Early November (as I write this) I had a busted QSO with CE8EIO (he responded back to me, but JTDX refused to xmit) and then a QSO with PY8WW. Meanwhile, WW1L is working into South Africa and other exotic locations :)

Other notes, I had a (7) QSO JA run that got me a few new grids on June 12th.  


88 new confirmed grid squares, putting my total at 682.

32 of those squares were new FFMA squares, which puts my total at 326


I worked at least 7 new ones, finally getting over the 100 mark with 4X4DK! I was hoping to have Eric, FP/KV1J since he's local and part the local VHF community, but 4X4DK was in and I grabbed him while I could. I've had a few busted contacts with 4X4 stations, so I didn't want to leave anything to chance. 

Here is the (mostly) final list:

#95 CE3SX - Chile

#96 EA9ABC - Ceuta & Melilla

#97 C31CT  - Andorra

#98 UB7K - European Russia

#99 5B4AGN - Cyprus

#100 4X4DK - Israel

#101 FP/KV1J - St. Pierre & Miquelon

93 confirmed in LoTW. Now I either need to find a local card checker, or figure out the process to send my remaining cards to the ARRL for LoTW credits. 


Even with working seven new DXCC entities this year, there were some very notable misses. 

ZP5 - in South America

KH6 - a couple of times 6-12 (This gives me hope that WAS is achievable at some point)

D44 - Cape Verde (have heard them two years in a row now, yet to work them)

ER5 - Moldova 6-12

D2UY - Angola 6-28

OD5 - Lebanon 7-8

UN7 - Kazakhstan 7-9 (Had a busted QSO with him, will look for again next year)

Final thoughts

My first two years of truly dedicated 6m operation were 2020 and 2021, prime covid years. I wasn't travelling for work and summer vacationing was minimal.  2022 was somewhat of a "back to normal" year with me travelling to my usual June conference then again going to Nova Scotia in mid-July for our normal week in Pubnico. 

That's two weeks of Prime 6m operating dead smack in the middle of the season. I may need to rethink this a bit :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Omni-Rig and DXlabs commander - Elecraft K3 and Digi-U mode


In my particular setup I've been using SDR-Console with an Airspy R2 for receiving on 6m. This allows me to have several "slices" of the band receiving simultaneously, which in turn allows me to watch a few FT8 frequencies plus voice, if I'm interested. 

In order to accomplish this, SDR-Console uses an external radio control program called Omni-Rig. Omni-Rig is effectively a software API to a hardware radio. It allows multiple software packages to gain access to the radio at the same time. In my instance, I have 2-3 copies of JTDX and SDR-Console all polling my Elecraft K3, and also keying the radio when each one is in transmit. 

I then select a receiver in SDR-Console, which then tunes the K3 VFO to whichever frequency I want to transmit on, all while having each independent receiver sending audio to each JTDX instance.

This issue is that Omni-Rig doesn't always behave well.

I've been using DXLabs DXkeeper for the last couple of years and have had good success with it. I operate 99% data modes, but on occasion I do like to make some SSB contacts. Having to log the frequency by hand was a bit of a pain so I started down the road of trying to integrate the Commander application for rig control. The main issue is that SDR-console, which is a critical part of the operation, only supports Omni-Rig as an external control program. So, we start building a house of cards to make all of this work. 

I came across this article on the DXlabs documentation site that partially explains how to do it:

SDR-Console-->Omni-Rig-->(com1 virtual null modem com2)--->(com2)Commander(com3)--->K3

It ALMOST worked!

The issue that I was running into was when I selected the data mode on SDR-console, by the time the commands made it down to the K3, it ended up in Data mode, AFSK, which wasn't helpful. It needed to be in Data Mode A. After lots of debugging serial CAT commands, I took to the DXLabs page and started asking for help. 

In the end it was basically determined (By Joe, W4TV) that Omni-Rig was only passing the mode change, and not specifying the sub-mode. Commander was using a default of RTTY, AFSK, which didn't work. 

The end result was that I had to modify the Omni-Rig k3.ini file to set the additional sub-mode command when we issued the mode change from SDR-Console. 

Here is the change that needs to be made:




As of right now, everything seems to be working. I can change modes without issue.

The only side note is that JTDX (or WSJT-X, if it applies) needs to set the radio mode to none, otherwise if you have SDR-Console in USB, JTDX will want to keep it in Data or USB mode, ymmv. 

I'm also using VOX keying in JTDX as it seems to switch out of TX slightly faster than when I was using CAT for PTT. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Mid-season 6m update: DXCC and band conditions


DXCC on 6m has been attained!

Now to collect cards and LoTW entries...

On July 6 I worked:

UB7K for #98

5B4AGN for #99 ...and finally

4X4DK for Country #100

I was trying to work it out that Eric, FP/KV1J was in the #100 spot, but the propagation to Israel was there, so I wasn't going to waste the opportunity. 

Other random notes:

- The band has been open to Europe all week, some days more than others, but the lack of propagation in June seems to be made up for in July to this point. 

- Almost completed with UN7LZ in Khazakstan, but didn't quite make it:

- Confirmed LoTW grid count is now up to 668

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Mid-season summary: Weird start....

 Comparing this Es season to the previous two seasons, this one has been weird for me. Here's the rough highlights:

- One big EU opening (I was traveling and missed it)

- Only a few big domestic openings

- One decent JA opening on the 12th of June (worked 7 JA and some new grids)

- Lots of TEP this season (Worked a number of new grids plus new DXCC)

Misses so far:

- ZP5 during one of the TEP openings

- KH6 - for state number 49, had half a QSO, but didn't complete

- D44 in Cape Verde

- D2UY in Angola

Somehow I still have managed to work 50+ new grids so far:

Angola on 6m


Angola showed up briefly on 6m today:

I turned the amp up to 500W, but they faded after 4 decodes. A few other stations heard him as well, but of the operators that I chatted with, nobody made a contact.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Hawaii on 6M


Almost! I heard him for a number of sequences, got a signal report back but couldn't complete.