Sunday, January 16, 2022

January VHF Contest - notes

 I didn't put an effort into this contest, the only working band right now is 6M. I spent most of the time (per usual) cleaning up the shack/office. Here are my notes:

- VP9NM: Bermuda was in for a while on Sunday. I was hearing him regardless of direction. 

- PV8AAS: Seems like we got a little TEP. I only got a single decode, but lots of other stations were working him:

- Had a lot of band noise pointing towards the Caribbean and South America. 

- Finally got the LP-100A power meter installed on 6m. Wow, this thing is nice!

- Final score was 34Q in 16 grids for a grand total of 544!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Winter Sporadic E - shack rebuilding

 Last August I had some system integration issues with my station that kept me off the air for a number of months. May last log entry was from August 5th, with N2RJ on 6m FT8. I had a really tremendous 6m season in 2021, but my shack was in an epic wiring nightmare. Halfway through the season I integrated my Larcan 1KW and and also moved to using an Airspy R2 for my main RX. 

The result of both integrations was rats nest of splitters, pre-amps, relays, control boards, and DC wiring. Work and life got busy, I pushed it aside and started dreaming of the 2022 Es season. 

This past week I decided that I really missed having a working station, so I every so slow started to pull all the cables apart. At the same time I started integrating a new station computer, a mini system that has a ton of CPU and memory, but the size of a mac-mini. 

A clean slate. I got the 6M station wired up to the power supply and antenna and audio interface. Simple, nothing fancy. I could heard signals again!

I was somewhat surprised at the level of local 6m FT8 activity, it seemed like much more than last winter. This is a good thing. 

This Saturday evening, around 9pm local, I started to hear some mid-west stations calling and I managed to get a few in the log:

K9WKJ   EN44 
WO0Z   EN34 
K0DAS   EN42 
K9DLI   EN42
AA9JS   EN51
KX9X   EN50
N0LWF   EN10
K4XXX   EM77
W4RXR   EM65
N9FN   EN60
KG5JJ   EM26
XE2X   EL06
WT9J   EM59
K0GU   DN70
NG1H   EL06
N3CY   EM74
K0PHP   EM38
K4NO   EM64
N5BO   EM60

Not bad for January!